Ancient Greek and Late Antiquity Divination Methods Services
[Lot divination]’s flexibility was virtually limitless and it could be especially powerful when combined with other forms of divination, for example, in divinely inspired oracles. It was also easily adapted to differing theological or philosophical conceptions, and could be justified in any religious framework in which divine providence played a part, however strong or weak.—AnneMarie Luijendijk and William E. Klingshirn writing in the Introduction to My Lots are in Thy Hands: Sortilege and its Practitioners in Late Antiquity.1
Frequently Asked QuestionsÂ
What is it? Lot divination is a system of divination that uses randomness to arrive at an answer to a given query. Lots can be sticks, stones, coins, dice, and other physical objects. Lot divination is like tarot, except it draws on ancient traditions from the Hellenic world and the Roman Empire. Material objects are systematically manipulated to achieve randomness and through chance and probability the diviner arrives at an answer for the query.
What can lot divination do? Lot divination can answer almost any question. Any problem, issue, or matter that requires guidance can receive clarification from lot divination methods.
What kind of lot divinations do you offer? I offer 5 systems of lot divination, which are called oracles. An oracle is a medium through which a god gives a message. The oracles I use are either semi-traditional reconstructed oracles, or oracles that have been created using traditional wisdom or literature.
What is required from me? Clients should apply for a lot divination session and submit one or more questions.
How much does it cost? It costs $25 a session.
How long have you been doing lot divination? I have been doing daily ritual practices for over 3 years and lot divination since early 2020.
What is the process of lot divination like? The process looks like this:
- Thinks about the issue and reflects on how to phrase the question to address their concern.
- Writes one or more questions.
- Undergoes purification.
- Does meditation.
- Invokes deity in a ritual.
- Lot divination is performed in accord with the method and the results are written down.
- The answer is shared with the client and it is interpreted.
- Luijendjik, AnneMarie and William E. Klingshirn, ed. My Lots are in Thy Hands: Sortilege and its Practitioners in Late Antiquity, (Leiden; Boston; Brill 2019), 3.
- Luijendjik, AnneMarie and William E. Klingshirn, ed. My Lots are in Thy Hands: Sortilege and its Practitioners in Late Antiquity, Leiden; Boston; Brill, 2019.