**News Bulletin** Mantras for the Nodes, Gemini House Activation, the Jupiter-Saturn Square

This post has three parts and acts sort of like a news bulletin for September October 2024. It will go over the correct pronunciation for the Vedic tradition mantras that can be used with lunar nodal remediation, the recent Gemini house activation due to the Jupiter-Mars conjunction in Gemini, and the lingering Jupiter-Saturn square. 


Vedic Mantras for Eclipses and the Lunar Nodes

Mantras for the nodes and for any problems, losses, issues, trials, and blockages related to them are a popular remediation technique that some Western astrologers have incorporated from the Vedic tradition. While it is easy to find mantras on search engines, not all sites have video or audio of the exact pronunciation, which is crucial for doing them correctly. I’ve listed mantras for Rahu, Ketu, and Ganesha from the website Ask Ganesha because they have explanations and videos with the correct pronunciation. For me, while Ketu may be a big concern, it’s important not to overlook Rahu. If one does a Ketu mantra, they might also work with Rahu, if their concerns are related to eclipses and the placement of the lunar nodes in their own natal chart. Ganesha is known for being helpful either way. Other deities who might be invoked through chanting of mantras are Durga, Saraswati, Shiva, and Surya. The website below has advice on how to perform the mantras. Chanting the mantras 108 times as a minimum, with a mala if available, could help with eclipses and the lunar nodes. Of course, one should learn about the nodes and the eclipses. Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller and Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady are two foundational books on the nodes. A list of some books can be found here. I recommend Steven Forrest’s Yesterday’s Sky for a modern psychological approach to the lunar nodes while for some material on the traditional western view the article Some Medieval Uses of the Nodes by Ben Dykes has a good summary. Other sources can be found easily. Google searches should give plenty of results with Vedic views on the lunar nodes. It should be noted that many Vedic sources claim that the mantras should be chanted a large number of times, not merely 108 times. Also, mantras should be practiced before being chanted, and from what I have heard only the mantras with the word “namaha” should be done without initiation. Mantras like the Gayatri mantra or more complex forms of Rahu, Ganesha, Ketu, and Durga mantras shouldn’t be casually chanted. In my case, I have the nodes on my natal angles so I will personally do my best to perform mantras for Rahu, Ketu, Ganesha, and Durga on a daily basis.


Some Medieval Uses of the Nodes, Ben Dykes 












Gemini Planet and House Activation

The Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini in August was the first since March 11th, 1989. The Mars-Jupiter conjunction has a lot of power, as it is the archetype of the great general, a Genghis Khan, Subotai, Alexander the Great, Pyrrhus of Epirus, or Stephen of Moldova. It combines martial strength, force, energy, and persistence with Jupiterian wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.  The Mars-Jupiter conjunction archetype is a larger than life figure, a great warrior and leader, unsurpassed on the battlefield and in matters of strategy. As the Mars-Jupiter conjunctions occur in the zodiacal signs, they can symbolize a two year journey in each sign to clear out aspects of life that are no longer functioning or serving an individual well. However, they haven’t occurred in the sign Gemini for a long time. So there are many individuals who haven’t been able to take advantage of the power of the conjunction to get rid of stale, stagnant, and old perspectives, habits, routines, tactics, methods, dreams, situations, and so forth. Now that the house is activated and individuals are now embarking on a two year journey of rectifying and cleaning out their Gemini planets and houses and the topics associated with them both, it should be interesting to see the impact. Readers who want to know more, can watch this video from Lunatic Astrology.


Jupiter-Saturn Square

The Jupiter-Saturn square was exact in August and won’t end until next summer. It can be linked to the great conjunction in Aquarius in December of 2020. The square is the first roadblock to the journey that began in the Aquarius house back in 2020, with the opposition taking place in 2028-2029, the last square taking place in 2034-2035 and the next conjunction in 2040. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, when applied to an individual natal chart, can indicate parts of life that undergo huge change and transformation, as well as an area of life activated over the course of twenty years. For example, I’ve recently seen people with Libra rising (and Aquarius in their 5th house) have issues with materializing love, sex, and relationships while others have issues raising children, both 5th house topics, become prominent this summer. These themes are likely to continue until 2040. A person can look at the whole sign house that was activated by the great conjunction as well as the one in Taurus in 2000 and the one in Libra in 1980 to understand themes that were activated previously. I won’t go into much detail here, as there are plenty of other resources online. Adam Elenbaas went into detail recently and in 2020 for those interested in learning more.


Photo Credits

  1. A dragon flies inside an eclipse. Photo by Midjourney. Username: david.k9
  2. A dragon flies inside an eclipse. Photo by Midjourney. Username: david.k9

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