Some Numeric Values for the Names of Important Gods and Sacred Concepts Using the Methods of Isopsephy

In this article, a list of some key sacred names and concepts is accompanied by their isopsephic value. In ancient Greek, the letters of the Greek alphabet were also used to symbolize numbers. Eventually, it became natural to look at the numbers symbolized by the names of things. The practice of counting the number values of the spelling of the names of things in ancient Greek to come up with a single number is called isopsephy. The numeric values of the names of people, places, things, and concepts were calculated using one of the most common alphabet derived number systems. The list in this article is subjective, especially when it comes to sacred concepts. The names and concepts listed are ordered from least to greatest value, starting from 1 and moving on to 100, 200, and so forth. Also, please note that there are more than one way to spell the names of deities. So, in some cases there are a few numbers assigned to one god.



I. 0-100


Earth 9,  11, 15

Baal 34

Athena 69

Athene 76


II. 100-200


Ra 101

Rhea 106

Hera 109


III. 200-300


Hades 213

Hades 223

Themis 264

Sword 298


IV. 300-400


Selene moon 304

Ares 309

Selene 308

The moon 309

Guardian spirit 305

Helios 318

Janus 331

Hecate 334

Pallas 342

The Pallas 350

Hermes 353

Mithras 360

Victory of truth 360

Monad 360

Mithras 365

Nymph 366

Hercules 367

Monad 369

Abrasax 365

Nile 365

Daimones 380


V. 400-500


Pan 401

Thoth 419

Isis 420

Evil 420

Hygeia 429

Demeter 454

Cybele 465

Nut 469

Demeter as Ceres 468 

Wealth 480

The decad 482

Ieou 485

Bacchus 492


VI. 500-600


The good 504

Kronos 510

Nemesis 510

Hestia 528

Priapus 541

Cytheriae 550


VII. 600-700


World, Universe 600 

Success, Well-doing 600

Prophet 601

Stars 602

Triad 611

Zeus 612

Delphi 619

Sun + Moon, Helios +Selene 619

Perfect, complete 620

The Iynges 621

Justice 623

Thought, reasoning 623

Keph-Ra 626

Olympia 631

Purity 632

One initiated 654

Artemis 656

The archangel Raphael 640

Soul, mind, heart, understanding 658

Sirius, the dog-star 665

Buddha 681

The archangel Michael 689

True sun 696


VIII. 700-800


Mind 720  

Anubis 733

God over all 740  

Pythian 769

The abyss 751

Hephaestus 795


IX. 800-900


Sophia 806

Io 810

The ineffable 849


X. 900-1,000


Demiurge 905

The hours 911

Moses 918

Ambrosia and nectar 931

Self, alone 971

Aphrodite 993


XI. 1000-4000


Dawn 1005

Apollo 1011

Egypt 1064

Adonis 1065

Eros 1105

The Microcosm 1110

The Macrocosm 1110

Iota 1111 

Nepthys 1164

Horus 1170

The omega 1219

Poseidon 1219

Teletarchs 1352

Savior, redeemer 1416

To act with free will 1457

Foundation, matter 1461

Most high, the highest 1486

Synoches 1525

Psyche; soul 1708

Pluto 1730

Jesus Christ 2368

The Pleroma of God, the Fullness of God 2683

Sum of the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet 3999





  1. Kieren Barry. The Greek Qabalah.  Samuel Weiser. York Beach. 1999.



Photo Credits

  1. The Greek letter Alpha. Public domain.
  2.  The Erechtheum on the Acropolis, Athens, Greece. Photo by GPierrakos.