The twelfth house is the worst house in a natal chart. It doesn’t have a Ptolemaic aspect to the ascendant, is a cadent house, and it is the joy of Saturn. The topics associated with the twelfth house are very negative and include confinement, enslavement, mental illness, self-undoing, accidents, and secret enemies. Individuals will encounter the twelfth house when it is activated by time-lords or with natal placements that are activated. Some examples of time lord activations are transits, twelfth house profection years from the ascendant or sect light, ascensional times, and solar returns with twelfth house placements. Eclipses and the lunar nodes entering the twelfth and sixth houses also count as times that the twelfth house is activated. Remedies and advice for twelfth house activations are shared below.
1. No easy solution
First of all, there is no easy fix or quick solution for the twelfth house. Thoughts, willpower, and choices are all very important in life. One makes one’s own destiny. But with twelfth house activations, it is sometimes extremely difficult to escape the bad experiences, isolation, and mental illness. Recognizing that the transit might not be easy to shake off by using external means is one step towards facing it seriously.
2. Meditation
The twelfth house is often associated with self undoing, depression, isolation, and mental illness. Being mentally stable can go a long way to countering a lot of these significations, and there is often no better way to find mental wellbeing than meditation. Granted, for serious activations therapy and other modalities would be helpful. But meditation is free and available to anyone with the mind for it. Also, meditation can help us recognize our blind spots, often an association with the twelfth house.
3. Preparation
Be ready to face those most difficult areas of your life. If money and career are hard, then be prepared for trouble in those areas. Sometimes, the twelfth house can open up old wounds or shine a light on problematic areas. It can also bring surprises and seemingly new issues. Preparation will help one weather the difficulties.
4. Risk-taking
Freak accidents and bad luck are often associated with the house. So, don’t take risks. It is not a good time for risky situations. Be cautious in your daily life.
5. Charity
Giving to charity is a practice from Vedic astrology. Astrological magician Christopher Warnock discusses it in a Youtube video as well. One can determine a particular charity that relates to the transiting planet, planets that are placed in the house natally, or the house lord. Then, a person can send money to a charity and make a request for help with the twelfth house activation from the relevant celestial god or planet. It can be done alongside rituals, with elected times, on planetary days or hours, or just done with a prayer and request.
6. Spirituality
Spiritual advancement or focus is always a helpful thing. It can give us wisdom, help us to see where we are wrong and need to improve, and sometimes give us blessings from the gods or planets. Any type of spiritual work is bound to help with twelfth house time-lords.
7. Sacrifice
Sacrifice to the gods or daemons can sometimes help to lessen the negative and harmful things we experience from time-lords in the dark houses. Making offerings along with requests for blessings, less damage, and so forth might help. A person can offer food, synthemata, the four elements, time, or other things. It can be done in a reciprocal way as was common in Hellenic religion, where A was offered for B.
8. Atonement
It’s important to realize that a lot of times, the things we experience from the twelfth house come from our own past actions. Realizing that we have sinned, created karma, hurt others, or acted in harmful ways does a lot to come to terms with the things we experience from the twelfth house.
9. Letting go
Giving up the past and the many people and events of our lives is often related to the twelfth house, the last house in the cycle. When we get planets in this house or other time-lords activate it, we often find ourselves confronted with things, people, or thoughts that we have to let go.
10. Compassion
The twelfth house often reveals our enemies that are hidden. Though the revelation is sometimes shocking or profound enough on its own, one can go one step further by forgiving secret enemies. Being compassionate and forgiving others can go a long way in dealing with twelfth house matters.
11. Positivity
Being positive at all times is helpful for the twelfth house. When effected by the twelfth house, it makes a person want to give up, to wish they were elsewhere, or to wish they were someone else. As a counterbalance, a person might try extra hard to uplift themselves and be positive to offset depression bouts and harmful thinking.
12. Focus on other simultaneous activations
Another approach would be to focus on the other profected places from the sect light from the 12th house year or to focus on other transits. In any timing technique, there are other planets at work at any given time. Focus on those planets and topics that are not related to the twelfth house activations.
Photo Credits
- A flower and houses, in black and white. Photo by Ivan Radic.
- The Betrayal, a Nottingham alabaster piece. Photo by Andrewrobbott. January 8, 2011. Public domain.
David has studied traditional astrology since 2014. The Bay Area native completed Chris Brennan’s Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology course in 2015, and attended courses taught by Austin Coppock, Nina Gryphon, and Ryhan Butler. He is interested in exploring the less well known aspects of astrology, divination, and spirituality.