Introduction: The 2020s: A Decade of Endings and Beginnings

“Endings paradoxically bring change, and this instability applies as well to the end of the day, the end of a decade, and the end of the month.”1 (Greenbaum, Dorian, “The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology,” 121.)



Since the Covid pandemic began in early 2020, people around the world have experienced the global spread of a new disease and all it entails, including millions of deaths and government responses to containing the virus. Governments have also created new policies such as mask and vaccine mandates and introduced travel restrictions and lockdowns. As chaotic and abnormal as things have been so far, the rest of the decade has a lot more in store for people. Conventional norms will continue to be broken in all spheres of life, which is not only apparent to intelligence agencies, futurists, and technology advocates, but also using the principles of traditional astrology. The 2020’s will experience the end of a long-standing cycle with Saturn and Jupiter true conjunctions shifting to air signs for the next two hundred and twenty year period. Then there is the United States Pluto return, Uranus in Gemini, and the occurrence of the latest, more frequent Saturn-Pluto conjunctions and superior conjunctions of the planets Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. A cyclic, non-astrologically derived Fourth Turning is also likely to occur. In this article, I will explain the major and minor astrological events that have occurred or will occur in the 2020’s and what they might mean for the remainder of the decade.

Usually, just experiencing and living through key points in one of the major astrological events listed here can be a soul-crushing experience (alternatively, for some it can be exhilarating). But living through a combination of these cycles hitting key points can be overwhelming. Americans, especially, are situated to go through the 2020’s in the most central seat to the conflict. Being American in the 2020’s could be compared to living in France during the 1780’s to the 1820’s. These major astrological events and Fourth Turning will overlap and hit the United States particularly hard.

The 2020s are following the 2010s. The 2010s were a decade of great change. Technology boomed across the globe. In the United States, there were technological advancements, demographic change, and public opinion shifts.2 Smartphone usage became normalized, with up to 82% of Americans having smartphones. Social media use increased to 72%, and social media became a pathway to news. By the end of the decade, a long-standing culture war had divided many Americans, as well. 

In traditional ancient Near Eastern thinking, the end of any cycle was a time of danger and instability. Elements of Hellenistic astrology’s theoretical underpinnings hearken to this idea, as the final degrees of signs are dangerous and bad places.3 Likewise, ancient Egyptian religion believed the liminal times were dangerous, such as the new moon, sunset, sunrise, and the time just before the new year.4 Astrology is a form of divination that was born of the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean and Near East. In its timing techniques, which are largely explored in this article, the same thinking that was common around beginnings and endings would apply. As a result, the events of the decade should have the qualities of endings, such as danger, changes, and instability, and beginnings, including a new order and stability. As of October 2024, people are going through at least three major shifts: Jupiter-Saturn true conjunctions moving to air signs for two hundred and twenty years, a Fourth Turning, the importance of Uranus transits in Gemini to the United States, true conjunctions of the superior planets, and the Pluto return of the world’s superpower, the United States. Additionally, other important factors are the Saturn-Pluto cycle and the work of mundane astrologer Andre Barbault.

About this series

There are seven articles in total and six parts to this series on the 2020’s and its earth shattering astrology and cyclical history. The research for this article was begun in March 2020, at the beginning of the Covid pandemic. But I first heard of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions on the Astrology Podcast in 2014 and 2015. At that time, I was fascinated by the planetary cycles and their relationships with mundane events. Since I was a beginner astrology student at the time, I wasn’t ready to study mundane astrology. It wasn’t until years later that I could read mundane astrology works and other relevant books and only then that I started to embark on writing about mundane astrology and world events. In writing this article, I tried to use as many sources as I could. Still, a lot of the writing is based on personal observations. In some places, there may be leaps of logic that come more from intuition than any sources. In coming to my conclusions, I inevitably was influenced by the work of many astrologers and academics. Some of the astrologers and their work that was influential were: Austin Coppock’s consistent discussion of the Age of Air on the Astrology Podcast, Ben Dykes’s translation of the various Arabic astrological works in Astrology of the World 1 and 2, and Nick Dagan Best’s work to popularize the importance of Uranus in Gemini transits for the United States. As for academics, I was primarily influenced by Leo Strauss and Neil Howe’s work on the Fourth Turning, which was influenced by a large number of works that preceded it. Then, there are a large number of current events, political, military history, and international relations focused Youtube channels that I have seen over the last two years that have inevitably influenced some of the writing in these articles.

This series was published at a very late date

The articles in this series have been published much later than I originally envisioned. For some reason, I felt major blockages to finishing the original piece, which was quite long, starting in the summer of 2023. I had been thinking about a Fourth Turning and World War 3 before it was mainstream on X and mentioned on certain populist and alternative channels on Youtube. It’s been interesting to see things that seemed to be impossible six years ago or even unlikely two years ago become mainstream and discussed in many places on social media. Anyhow, I decided to take the original article and divide it into a seven part series and finally publish the piece, right on the possible brink of great events this fall 2024 and just prior to the landmark year of 2025. Additional issues related to the series may be raised in future articles.


The conclusions article has both conclusions to the series and some predictions, which I will also get into via an article using ancient oracles as a divinatory method and another article on things I realized during July 2024. You can find links to both of these articles here. The articles of this series can be accessed at the links below. 


Introduction: The 2020s, Beginnings and Endings

The 2020s: Part 1: Character of a Crisis

The 2020s: Part 2: Saturn Jupiter in Air Signs

The 2020s: Part 3: Pluto Saturn Conjunction 

The 2020s: Part 4: USA Pluto Return

The 2020s: Part 5: Cyclical History, 4th Turning, Uranus in Gemini

The 2020s: Part 6: Conjunctions of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn

The 2020s: Part 7: Conclusions




  1. See Chapter 2 in Greenbaum’s The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology. Greenbaum 121-.122.
  2. Pew Research, “Key Ways the US Changed in the Past Decade,”December 20, 2019, Last accessed 8/16/2022, <>
  3. Greenbaum, The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology. Greenbaum 121-.122
  4. Katherine Eaton, “Ancient Egyptian Temple Ritual: Performance, Pattern, and Practice,” Routledge Studies in Egyptology, 2013, Taylor and Francis, 168.




Photo Credits

  1.  A crow sits in front of a column. Photo by Midjourney. Username: @david.k9
  2. An American eagle flies over a battlefield and an American flag. Photo by Midjourney. Username: @david.k9 



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