In the ancient world, divination was commonplace. Famous oracles would make prophetic utterances for individuals and city states alike. Oracles, seers, mantike, and other professional diviners usually chose to divine for petitioners based on their own rules, systems, and traditions. Sometimes the petitions they divined about were the issues of the day, such as the Persian invasion of Greece. In the modern world, divination arts like tarot and astrology have gained in popularity and have been used by many practitioners to tackle major current events. One such event is the impending US election on Super Tuesday, November 5th 2024. Federal and state elections are being held, and US congressional races as well as the US presidency will be decided. The American presidential election in particular is garnering a lot of interest. The race between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris has already attracted many predictions from various tarot readers and astrologers on social media and the internet. It seems everyone is getting in on forecasting the election outcome, and for various reasons the anticipated event has been viewed as a watershed moment for American democracy and national harmony. In fact, people in political circles were looking to the 2024 election with cautious foreboding since President Biden won the 2020 presidential election. As the election loomed over the past few years, I thought about doing a special divination session for it, but put it off. I am a lot diviner with years of experience and thought at the very least I should make a prediction. As the month of October 2024 drew to an end, I wrote a note that I should finally do the divination session. Over the first weekend of November, I decided that it was mandatory to make time to do a divination session. On Monday, November 4th, 2024, I thought about the election and thought of some things I would do in the divination session. Rather than throw many different systems and oracles at the election, I would selectively incorporate different methods piece by piece. I chose to use the Alphabet Oracle and a lot divinatory method I created for lot divination called Tree Rings to predict the election and some issues surrounding it. The Alphabet Oracle can have vague answers that don’t always apply to any given situation, but I figured the numeric symbolism of the ancient Greek letter chosen would give significant hints to the nature of events when analyzed using Pythagorean concepts surrounding the decad. Ideally, I would have engaged in three, five, or seven days of purification rites before engaging in the divinatory process. However, it just wasn’t possible with things as they currently stood. Time was running out, and I had to perform the divination and write this article prior to the end of Super Tuesday. So, I performed the divination early Tuesday morning in Hanoi, which is eighteen hours ahead of Pacific Time on the West Coast of the United States. This article will delve into The process, results, and interpretation of the outcome given by the oracles. Times, dates, steps, and other aspects will be revealed here for transparency and clarity. The following sections are about the ritual invocation, divination questions and prompts, methods applied, results, and interpretation.
Ritual Invocation
Divination Questions
Methods Applied
MAJOR PREDICTION RESULTS: For the sake of brevity, the outcome of the prediction was that Donald Trump would win, but that he would have difficulty assuming the office of the presidency. The questions were written because of the concern of many observers that regardless of who actually won, the other side would contest the result. [Ed.’s Note: as of November 7th, 2;30 ICT, Trump won the presidency and there was no evidence of the Democrats contesting the result.]
Ritual Invocation
At 2 AM Indochina Time on Tuesday November 5th, 2024, I did a Hellenic style ritual. The ritual invoked a number of gods. I read three Orphic hymns: Orpheus to Musaios, Hymn to Helios, and Hymn to Apollon. The first hymn is an invocation of the Olympian gods, Titans, and many other ancient Greek gods, demigods, forces of nature, heroes, and spirits. The second is for the Titan god of the sun, Helios. The third hymn is for another solar deity, Apollon, also a god of music, healing, and the arts. Apollon is the deity invoked for the Alphabet Oracle(also called the Anatolian dice oracle), the oracle system I chose to use for some of the questions. After lighting a candle and rose incense, I read the hymns, did ritual gestures, and asked Apollon to participate in the divination. After the ritual was over, I proceeded to the next parts of divinatory process.
Divination Questions
The divination questions were written prior to the ritual and divination process. Five concerns were written as questions and three as prompts.
1) Who will win the Presidential election of 2024?
2) Who will be recognized as the winner and hold the Presidency in January?
3) The results will lead to danger or a crisis in the next eight months
4) If there is danger, what kind of danger will it be?
5) Who’s in danger?
6 )Will it be economic, military, health-related, or another problem?
7) Advice for Americans
8) Advice for non-Americans
Methods Applied
After finishing the ritual, I put down some fabric and began with a lot divination method called Tree Rings. It can be found in the article Nicomachus Oracles. I decided to use different oracles for the eight divination questions. The Tree Rings method would be used for the first two questions, pertaining to the actual victor of the election and the victor who assumes the presidency. Next, the Anatolian dice oracles were used for questions three through six, which concerned aspects of the aftermath of the election. Finally, for the last two questions, the Seven Sages Oracle was consulted. These questions were about advice for those living through the election in the US and people witnessing it from abroad.
First, for the question—
1) Who will win the presidential election of 2024?
Trump was assigned the odd numbers and the Democrats were assigned the even numbers since they were a continuation of the current government. I used dice three times and coins two times for a total of five rounds to start off the divination session. A six sided die was rolled three times, for three rounds, and the results for all three rounds were odd. A coin was flipped three times and the results for all three coin tosses were even. Because it was a close 3-2 outcome, the method calls for an additional round. This time the die was rolled and the number was even. It was now a 3-3 tie. This result calls for an additional two rolls. One roll was odd and one roll was even. It was now a 4-4 tie. An additional round of two rolls was called for and this led to one even and one odd roll. Now, the final round had been reached. The last round calls for an answer based on the final two rolls. Both rolls were odd, meaning Trump would win, leaning on yes.
Interpretation: The fact that the Tree Rings method reached the fourth and final round meant the outcome was both uncertain and very close. Though Trump was predicted to win, it was very contested, unclear, and uncertain. It signifies a tight election vote and a possibly contested outcome.
Second, for the question—
2) Who will be recognized as the winner and hold the presidency in January?
The Tree Rings method was applied again, but it was changed a bit. Instead of integrating a die and coin, a die alone was used. It was rolled three times for five consecutive turns. The results were even, even, even, odd, odd. The Democrats would win but it was not decisive enough given the numbers involved being 3-2. I read this as meaning the Democrats would take steps to block Trump from being inaugurated and would be initially successful or hold all the advantages. Next, because the outcome was close and the method called for more certainty, a coin was flipped three times for three consecutive turns. The results were odd, odd, even. This tied the total number of tosses and rolls at 4-4. This suggested things going in Trump’s favor or his side having agency in response to the initial Democrat success at stopping him. Then a stone with two distinct sides was tossed one time for three consecutive turns. The results were even, odd, even. It was 6-5 Democrats over the Republicans. This pointed to the Democrats winning a potential election ratification stand off and holding on to the presidency despite losing the election. The final results were Democrats, Trump, Democrats, with the Democrats winning at the end.
Interpretation: The results, as written, are pretty straight forward. The Democrats win the presidency despite closely losing the election. If I look at the results as being indicative of phases of the struggle to hold the presidency in a number of scenarios, then it seems the Democrats make moves and are somewhat successful but Trump acts successfully in response until the Democrats win by manuevers that for all intents and purposes relate to the inauguration. Events afterwards may be related, which will be looked at next.
The Alphabet Oracle and Questions No. 3-6
For the next four questions, two stones with light and dark stickers on them were cast. The lighter sticker signifies the first section of a Greek alphabet board I created. The second stone’s lighter sticker signifies the first row of the first section of the alphabet board. The darker stickers’ signify the second section and last two rows of both sections. Then, a six sided die is rolled. The results for the questions were: Question 3, Delta; Question 4, Sigma; Question 5, Psy; Question 6, Nu. The results are explained in detail in the next part.
Questions No. 3-6
3) The results will lead to danger or a crisis in the next eight months.
Letter: Delta
Text: Dodge the dreadful deeds, avoiding harm. “Desist from dreadful deeds, so that you avoid harm.” Numerical value: 4
As far as the text of the letter, it is clear that if there is any sort of crisis it is best to be very careful of any form of unjust, unlawful, unrighteous, or harmful actions or behavior to avoid negative consequences. The symbolism of the number 4 will be looked at in another section as it pertains to this question. The oracle doesn’t say explicitly that anything will occur, but rather warns that everyone should be on their guard not to get carried away by whatever might happen. On January 6th, some rally goers entered the capitol without thinking clearly and were later arrested and imprisoned. One person that comes to mind is the Q-Anon Shaman, Jacob Chansley. Chansley got caught up in the excitement and chaos on January 6th and ended up going into the United States Capitol Building in Washington, DC. He later paid for the transgression and served time in federal prison. My understanding of the oracle is that we should refrain in getting into fights on social media, ending friendships, or take any severe actions during the election, its aftermath, and the period of time following it. Likely, everything will be normal and peaceful but if events get chaotic and out of control, people should be wary of reacting to antagonistic behavior or rhetoric, try not to get too upset, control their behavior, and observe their thoughts.
4) If there is danger, what kind of danger will it be?
Letter: Sigma
Text: “Stay thou, friend.” Apollo plainly says. “Phoibos [Apollo] speaks plainly, “Stay friend.” Numerical value: 200
The oracle’s text is not commenting on the type of danger, which the number analysis might hint at in the next section, but instead suggests inaction. It says one should not do anything at all. If there is danger, a crisis, or an explosive situation, the best thing to do is to do nothing. Don’t move forward, don’t progress, be very careful.
5) Who’s in danger?
Letter: Psy
Text: Proper is this judgment from the gods. “You have this righteous judgement from the gods.” Numerical value: 700
The text, like previous questions, is incongruent and ambiguous. It doesn’t seem to answer the question. At one level, it indicates that those who are harmed or hurt by the situation are marked by destiny. Whatever happens, be it a peaceful transition, protests, riots, lawsuits, or violence, the people who are impacted are meant to be and the events that transpire are fated.
6) Will it be economic, military, public health-related, or another problem or issue?
Letter: Nu
Text: Now springs forth the fitting time for all. “Now the fitting opportunity for everything arises.” Numeric value: 50
Again, the text doesn’t indicate which of the problems will occur. The numerology may give hints in that regard. The text does say that it’s the right time. I understand this as meaning that something big is going to happen. Though it doesn’t specify the type of things that will transpire, it suggests that it is the time for some sort of crisis to hit.
Note for questions three through six: The interpretations of the results from the perspective of the Pythagorean decad will be in the last section of this article, and will be added as an update on Wednesday and Thursday, November 6th and 7th, US Eastern Standard Time.
Questions 6 and 7 for the Seven Sages Oracle
7) Advice for Americans
Three coins of three sizes were tossed three, seven, and seven times. If the coin was heads, it counted. If it was tails, it wasn’t tallied. The final tally was 3-2-4.
The oracle says:
“Fear being mighty.”
Mighty can be translated as powerful, holding sway, ruling, commanding, controlling, prevailing, defeating.
My interpretation is that people in positions of power, especially in the ruling classes and government, should be wary.
With Pluto in Aquarius for good after November 19th, the impending backlash against any representative forces of tyranny and injustice may be set in motion. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius corresponded to the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era.
The events of the first nineteen days of November 2024, which are the last days Pluto is in Capricorn, could be dramatic, turning points that break American democracy and set into motion a sequence of events that could lead to a new American revolution and the supplanting of the American political class and order.
At the same time, if events are chaotic and violent, any person in a position of power may be a target, on both sides of the political divide.
Last, the oracle might be hinting to beware of any actions that might lead to prevailing over and defeating others, for hidden reasons. The oracle is not for the the initial few months between the election and inauguration but the next few years as they relate to the election.
8) Advice for non-Americans
As in question seven, coins were tossed and the outcome was the numbers 2-1-4.
The oracle says:
“Consult the wise.”
People abroad should rely upon wise decisions, wise leaders, and sources of knowledge to navigate a potentially rocky time if events in the US lead to instability.
Interpretations of the Alphabet Oracle Number Outcomes for Questions No. 3-6
1) Who will win the Presidential election of 2024?
2) Who will be recognized as the winner and hold the Presidency in January?
3) The results will lead to danger or a crisis in the next eight months.
4) If there is danger, what kind of danger will it be?
Sigma Stay thou, friend. Apollo plainly says Numerical value 200
5) Who’s in danger?
6 )Will it be economic, military, health-related, or another problem?
7) Advice for Americans
8) Advice for non-Americans
Editor’s Note: This article was edited for typos and grammar and punctuation errors on November 7th, 2024 at 2:08 AM (ICT). Some substantial changes were made to the diction in the article to make it more coherent and readable.
Photo Credits
- President Donald Trump speaks inside the Vehicle Assembly Building following the launch of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the company’s Crew Dragon spacecraft on NASA’s SpaceX Demo-2 mission with NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley onboard, Saturday, May 30, 2020, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls). Public domain.
- Elon Musk talks at brief launching at the Kennedy Space Center. Public domain.
David has studied traditional astrology since 2014. The Bay Area native completed Chris Brennan’s Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology course in 2015, and attended courses taught by Austin Coppock, Nina Gryphon, and Ryhan Butler. He is interested in exploring the less well known aspects of astrology, divination, and spirituality.